For Optimal hoof care is needed for horses to maintain its toughness and moisture. According to Pet Assure, horse hooves should be cleaned daily especially before and after riding sessions. Trimming should be done about every 1 to 2 months, depending upon the use of the animal and the conditions it is kept in.
HOOFul tips in keeping your horse’s hooves healthy and strong…
Anatomically, hooves are one of equines’ most essential body parts. They act as supporting foundation for the horse’s overall weight. Imagine, the average weight of horses is often more than 1000 lbs.
“The hooves absorb all of the concussive impacts from the horse’s movement, so it is imperative the hoof is healthy to provide protection,” said Steve Blanchard, Finish Line Horse Products president.
"Once the hoof is damaged, it increases the risk of other leg and body injuries. By taking care of the hoof, you are taking care of the horse in its entirety.”
Hooves are somewhat similar to human fingernails, they need to be regular trimming to prevent them from weakening or have uneven growth that could result to even more serious conditions like splitting,\ cracking, or chip off in larger pieces. Poor hooves cause horses to become lame and have poor balance.
For Optimal hoof care is needed for horses to maintain its toughness and moisture. According to Pet Assure, horse hooves should be cleaned daily especially before and after riding sessions. Trimming should be done about every 1 to 2 months, depending upon the use of the animal and the conditions it is kept in. Even though horses have stronger and durable feet, they still need to be shod if they are doing a lot of work (including horses unfit for hard labor due to relatively flat or weak hoof walls).
Although preventative measures were done already to ensure your horse’s hooves strong and moisture protected, still there are some problems that would come out along the way. Here’s are some of the common hoof problems to look out:
• Thrush. Bad smelling blackish material around the frog area.
• Cracks. Vertical cracks running up the hoof’s walls.
• Heel bruising. Sole becomes discolored at the site of bruising. It can be red or yellowish.
• Abscesses. Disgusting fluid oozing out from within the hoof.
• White Line Disease (Seedy Toe). The white line, located at the junction
between the outer wall and the sole, becomes soft and crumbly, separating the
hoof wall and sole.
• Laminitis. Lamina, the tissue between the hoof and the coffin bone, becomes
Hooflex is a horse hoof conditioner formulated to help restore and support strong, healthy hooves by acting as a breathable barrier around the hoof, maintaining proper moisture balance. The wonder product treats dry, cracked, chipped hooves, alleviating discomfort from pain and swelling, thus, increasing its strength and pliability. Antibacterial and antifungal, Hooflex is naturally tough on bacteria and fungi, preventing certain conditions like thrush.